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논문 주제별검색 기관별검색

The Effect of Complex Korean Medical Treatment with Pharmacopuncture on Restless Legs Syndrome: A Case Report

Jang Seungwon(Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine, DongShin Korean Medicine Hospital),   Jun Hyungsun( Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine, DongShin Korean Medicine Hospital),   Kim Seonwoo( Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine, Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine),   Kim Minwook( College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University),   Yoo Jaehee( College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University),   Kim Yong( Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, DongShin Korean Medicine Hospital),   Seol Jaeuk( Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Chung-Yeon Korean Medical Hospital),   Kim Seonhye( Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine, DongShin Korean Medicine Hospital)

- 저널명, 기관명, ISSN, 발행일, 권호, 페이지, 조회수, ISBN 정보 안내
저널명 한방척추관절학회지  기관명 한방척추관절학회 
ISSN 1738446X  발행일 2020-12-30 
권호 제 17권 제 1호  페이지 61-69 
조회수 121  ISBN  



한글 초록 없음


Objectives :
This study aimed to report the clinical effects of complex Korean Medical treatment with pharmacopuncture on restless leg syndrome (RLS).
Methods :
The patient was treated with pharmacopuncture, acupuncture, and herbal medicine for approximately 2 weeks. The effects of the treatment were evaluated using the Numerical Rate Scale (NRS), the Korean version of the international restless legs scale (K-IRLS), and the restless legs syndrome quality of life questionnaire (K-RLS QoL).
Results :
NRS (8 at admission to 2 points at discharge), K-IRLS severity (very severe to moderate), and K-RLS QoL score (30 to 70) was improved.
Conclusions :
These results suggest that the Korean Medical treatment with pharmacopuncture effectively reduces clinical symptoms and improves the quality of life in patients with RLS.

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이 논문의 참고문헌이 20 건이 있습니다.

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