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후두신경통 환자에 대한 황련해독탕약침 치료 증례보고 1례

A case report of Hwangryunhaedok-tang pharmacopuncture for a patient with occipital neuralgia

박경복 (경희대학교 한방병원) ,   남동우 ( 경희대학교 한방병원) ,   홍혜진 ( 경희대학교 한방병원)

후두신경통 환자에 대한 황련해독탕약침 치료 증례보고 1례 - 저널명, 기관명, ISSN, 발행일, 권호, 페이지, 조회수, ISBN 정보 안내
저널명 한방척추관절학회지  기관명 한방척추관절학회 
ISSN 1738446X  발행일 2020-12-30 
권호 제 17권 제 1호  페이지 143-156 
조회수 134  ISBN  



한글 초록 없음


Objectives :
The purpose of this study is to show the effect of Hwangryunhaedok-tang pharmacopuncture on Fengchi(GB20) and Wangu(GB12) to manage patient with occipital neuralgia.
Methods :
A 86-year-old female patient complaining Headache was treated with Hwangryunhaedok-tang Pharmacopuncture. It was applied on GB20 and GB12, 1㏄ for each acupoint once a day from 15th July to 19th July of 2019. Changes of the symptoms was measured by Faces Pain Scale(FPS), 100㎜ VAS, and frequency of headache occurrence.
Results :
After 5 days of treatment, the patient's 100㎜ VAS, FPS-R, Frequency of Headache tended to decrease with the lapse of time.
Conclusions :
The results suggest that Hwangryunhaedok-tang Pharmacopuncture might be used to relief headache induced by Occipital Neuralgia.

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