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양금화약침으로 종골골극을 가진 발바닥통증환자 치료 경과보고

The Improvement of Platalgia with the Datura Metel L. Pharmocopuncture

최성운 (해달한방병원)

양금화약침으로 종골골극을 가진 발바닥통증환자 치료 경과보고 - 저널명, 기관명, ISSN, 발행일, 권호, 페이지, 조회수, ISBN 정보 안내
저널명 대한침도의학회지  기관명 대한침도의학회 
ISSN 27136590  발행일 2020-12-28 
권호 제 4권 제 1호  페이지 99-103 
조회수 96  ISBN  



한글 초록 없음


In this case report we would report the improvement of plantalgia of a 61-year-old women who had a calcaneal spur with the pharmocopuncture of Datura metel L.

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이 논문의 참고문헌이 5 건이 있습니다.

1. Ahn JS, acupotomy treatment of heel pain, On Board (2020), Spring, 13
2. Kirkpatrick J, Yassaie O, Mirjalili SA, The plantar calcaneal spur : a review of anatomy, histology, etiology and key associatioins, Journal Anat (2017), Vol 230-6, 743-751 ref
3. Zhang L, Cheng HW, Xiong LJ 외 4 명, The Relationship between Calcaneal Spur Type and Plantar Fasciitis in Chinese Population, Biomed Res Int (2020), Vol 2020, 5679629
4. Menz HB, Thomas MJ, Marshall M 외 5 명, Coexsistence of plantar calcaneal spurs and plantar fascial thickening in individuals with plantar heel pain, Rheumatology (2019), Vol 58-2, 237-245 ref
5. Bianchi S, Martinoli C, Ultrasound of musculoskeletal disease

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