초록 키워드 참고문헌 인용문헌 초록 한글초록 한글 초록 없음 영어초록 In this case report we would report the improvement of plantalgia of a 61-year-old women who had a calcaneal spur with the pharmocopuncture of Datura metel L. 열기 접기
초록 키워드 참고문헌 인용문헌 키워드 Heel pain, plantar fascitis, ultrasound, sonoguided-injection, angeumhwa-yakchim 열기 접기
초록 키워드 참고문헌 인용문헌 참고문헌 이 논문의 참고문헌이 5 건이 있습니다. 1. Ahn JS, acupotomy treatment of heel pain, On Board (2020), Spring, 13 2. Kirkpatrick J, Yassaie O, Mirjalili SA, The plantar calcaneal spur : a review of anatomy, histology, etiology and key associatioins, Journal Anat (2017), Vol 230-6, 743-751 3. Zhang L, Cheng HW, Xiong LJ 외 4 명, The Relationship between Calcaneal Spur Type and Plantar Fasciitis in Chinese Population, Biomed Res Int (2020), Vol 2020, 5679629 4. Menz HB, Thomas MJ, Marshall M 외 5 명, Coexsistence of plantar calcaneal spurs and plantar fascial thickening in individuals with plantar heel pain, Rheumatology (2019), Vol 58-2, 237-245 5. Bianchi S, Martinoli C, Ultrasound of musculoskeletal disease 열기 접기